About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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As I came to understand, during both the diagnosis and treatment of my Cancer, a lot of new things happened to me and for me.  And living with the disease (whether as a permanent survivor or maintenance-er) also brings a life-time of modifications and adjustments - which pop culture has decided to sloganize for us as "New Normal."  With apologies for redundancies, I have perhaps paraphrased previously that IMHO it's not about the adjustments that happen to us, it's about how we adjust to what's happening.  Now, with the compulsory cancer correlation covered, I can move on to a more timely Covid-19 connection.

In the midst of this Pandemic moment in history, I would be remiss by not adding my "notes" to the cacophony of commentary about the current Covid-19 world around us.  As part of this situation, we are surrounded by things to worry about.  New uncertainties are being discovered every day, and there is no shortage of opinions as to the veracity of each postulation; truth to each rumor.  One thing that is certain, when the corner is turned, many things will be done differently in the future.  Sure, some big things (that we never really thought about), but even more little things (that were probably already there in one form or another, but we finally give them a look / gave them a chance - and "this way" works better).

  -  We will have new respect for personal space

  -  We will have new ways of reaching and teaching children

  -  We will have new appreciation for the power of the humble human hug

  -  We will have a new perspective on the food that we choose and who makes it possible

  -  We will have a new definition for hero, which will apply to more people than we ever imagined or realized, and they will all deserve that accolade

But in the midst of all this New Normal-ness, let's try not to add any more New-rosissesss (SP?).  We already have plenty of well-established things to worry about (real or otherwise).  No saccharine Pollyanna platitude or proclamation being proposed - let's just try giving less worrying a shot and see if it works.  You may just feel like a "New"Man - or women.  In the words of the famous Literary Icon: "What, Me Worry?"

Masks Redux

Masks Redux

Masks Finale

Masks Finale