Though there are many medical maladies that we have no control over (ie: certain types of cancers), there are even more diseases and health-altering circumstances that we can contribute to avoiding or delaying. Here are a few things that we do (or should do more), some consciously and some automatically, that are worth pondering as we live in a world with increasingly obstreperous quality of life-affecting health realities. We do what we can or what we choose to. Some innocuous, some annoying, some unpleasant. Then deal the best that we are able to with that which we cannot control.
Seat belt
Speed limit
Turn signals & Mirrors
Bike/motorcycle helmets
Adequate sleep
Regular exercise
Work/Life balance
Meds compliance
DRE/PSA tests
Regular hydration
Salt in moderation
Eating in moderation
Coffee in moderation
Alcohol in moderation
Diet drinks in moderation
Sugary drinks in moderation
Fast/processed foods in moderation
Smoking - not at all