About The Canswer Man:

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A simple man with a simple plan: Kick the Big "C" with a cocktail of family/friend love, unapologetic laughter and a dash of Nat-titude.  And if I'm lucky, maybe even one of my odd-servations will help with YOUR situation.

Please join me on my selfish/selfless journey --- to infinity, and beyond!

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Why I . . .

Why I . . .

The following is a true story. Only the names were changed to protect the innocent. Okay, it was me.

Recently one day, I was leaving the parking lot of our local big box store. I still had my mask on since my next stop was at a nearby restaurant to pick up some carry-out dinner, and I was too lazy to take my mask off just to put it back on again two-minutes later.

To set the story properly, it was a warm and sunny Spring afternoon. The temps were flirting with a record-breaking high of 87. As I rolled up to a stop signal, a man in a sport utility truck slowly approached alongside in the other lane to my left. I wouldn’t have paid any attention except that he stopped next to me - even though he still had plenty of room in the lane ahead of him.

He tooted his horn, which I initially ignored - more out of disbelief that it was for me, not out of wanton disregard. He tooted again (ours is a fairly close-knit town, I did not recognize this man; no need to change his name or protect his identity). Now even with my door, I responded to his honk and saw him give me the universal circular cranking gesture for "roll down your window” (which is interesting since everyone has power windows these days). He rolled down his passenger window (see - power windows) and wearing a curious gaze he called out, “Wouldn't you be more comfortable without that mask on?”

I confess that I had prepared myself a while ago for this very encounter. Though his question was seemingly altruistic, I could tell by the nearly-saccharin tone and underlying current of his inquiry, that it was somewhat motivated by HIS belief that masks were no longer necessary. Without hesitation I replied, “I’ve got cancer and I can’t be too careful.” He paused for a moment (somewhat taken aback by my reply) and responded, “Well, good luck with that.” I nodded my thanks and smiled in appreciation - though under my mask. The light turned green and we both went on with our lives.

I was glad that I had rehearsed for this situation and even more satisfied that I had enlightened another soul about the possibility of why anyone would still feel the need to be so protective. For me at least, at the moment, it wasn't about politics. It was about helping someone realize that there could be many reasons why a person would choose to still mask. Mission accomplished.

Being Masked

Being Masked

Press Release

Press Release